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Table of contents
Natural input
Toolbar input
Copy TeX to Wiki
Create pdf from TeX
Note on file encoding
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Natural Input

Natural input aims to allow formula input in the same
way as it would be done in text mode, in an attempt to
achieve maximum effectiveness of input.

Natural Input

Type the formula using characters, numbers and symbols.
Use [Home], [End], [Up], [Down], [<-], [->] cursor keys.

* / + -operators

\for fraction
^for power
_for subscript

{insert empty array
[insert empty vector

[F1]for general toolbar
[F2]for operator toolbar
[F3]for symbol toolbar
[F4]for function toolbar

[Backspace]remove content before cursor
[Delete]remove content after cursor

[Enter]to evaluate expression
[Up], [Down]to select a formula

Toolbar Input

Toolbar input represents opposite concept to natural input.
It aims to allow the most intuitive, though still comfortable
input for less experienced users and children.


Toolbar is activated by [F1]. Use cursor keys and
[Enter] to select symbol. Press [F1] for next tab.

^n - power
sqrt(x) - square root
nthroot(x, n) - nth root
factorial(x) - n factorial

Functions that follow are meta functions. These are math
functions, that are not easily expressible in terms of octave
vocabulary. These are emulated by combining multiple
octave commands or defining new runtime functions.

_i - subscript
frac(x, y) - fraction
sum(v, fm, to, x) - sum
prod(v, fm, to, x) - product
int(fm, to, x, v) - numerical integration / quadrature
nint(x, v) - integration - no implementation - TeX only
lim(v, to, x) - limit of function - no implementation - TeX only
function(name, v, x) - math function definition

Functions shown blue have no implementation - to be used with TeX only.


Toolbar is activated by [F2]. Use cursor keys and
[Enter] to select symbol. Press [F1] for next tab.

a-b a<b subset [Esc] leftarrow [Esc]
a+b a>b supset [Esc] rightarrow [Esc]
a*b leq [Esc] subseteq [Esc] leftrightarrow [Esc]
a/b geq [Esc] supseteq [Esc] notrightarrow [Esc]
times [Esc] ll [Esc] cup [Esc] notleftrightarrow [Esc]
div [Esc] gg [Esc] cap [Esc]
a=b sim [Esc] in [Esc]
ne [Esc] approx [Esc] empty [Esc]
equiv [Esc] simeq [Esc] pm [Esc]
neg [Esc] propto [Esc] prime [Esc]

Operators shown blue have no implementation - to be used with TeX only.


Toolbar is activated by [F3]. Use cursor keys and
[Enter] to select symbol. Press [F1] for next tab.

inf [Esc] varth [Esc] sigma [Esc] Lambda [Esc]
ii [Esc] iota [Esc] varsigma [Esc] Xi [Esc]
jj [Esc] kappa [Esc] tau [Esc] Pi [Esc]
alpha [Esc] lambda [Esc] upsilon [Esc] Sigma [Esc]
beta [Esc] mu [Esc] phi [Esc] Upsilon [Esc]
gamma [Esc] nu [Esc] varphi [Esc] Phi [Esc]
delta [Esc] xi [Esc] chi [Esc] Psi [Esc]
epsilon [Esc] omicron [Esc] psi [Esc] Omega [Esc]
vareps [Esc] pi [Esc] omega [Esc] nabla [Esc]
zeta [Esc] varpi [Esc] Gamma [Esc] hbar [Esc]
eta [Esc] rho [Esc] Delta [Esc] ddagger [Esc]
theta [Esc] varrho [Esc] Theta [Esc] paragraph [Esc]


Toolbar is activated by [F4]. Use cursor keys and
[Enter] to select symbol. Press [F1] for first tab.


Functions can also be input from keyboard.
For example sin() can be inserted by typing sin(.

ln(x) - natural logarithm
log10(x) - base 10 logarithm
exp(x) - exponential

Trigonometric functions
sin(x) - sine
cos(x) - cosine
tan(x) - tangent
asin(x) - arc sinus
acos(x) - arc cosine
atan(x) - arc tangent
sinh(x) - hyperbolic sine
cosh(x) - hyperbolic cosine
tanh(x) - hyperbolic tangent
asinh(x) - hyperbolic arc sine
acosh(x) - hyperbolic arc cosine
atanh(x) - hyperbolic arc tangent

Statistic functions
corrcoef(x, y) - correlation coefficient
cov(x, y) - covariance
median(a) - median value
mean(a) - mean value
std(a) - standard deviation
var(a) - variance
cov(a) - covariance

Matrix Operations
eye(n, m) - create n by m identity matrix
transpose(a) - transpose a matrix
inverse(a) - invert a square matrix
det(a) - determinant of a matrix
min(a) - minimum value in a matrix
max(a) - maximum value in a matrix
rows(a) - returns number of rows
columns(a) - returns number of columns

Graphic Operations
plot(x, y) - 2D plot
meshgrid(x, y) - grid for 3D mesh
mesh(x, y, z) - 3D mesh
title "s" - title of a figure
xlabel "s" - x-axis description
ylabel "s" - y-axis description
zlabel "s" - z-axis description
print -deps "s" - print to .eps file
print -dpng "s" - print to .png file
figure - new figure

Miscellaneous Functions
mod(n, m) - modulo
floor(x) - round down to whole number
ceil(x) - round up to next whole number
abs(x) - absolute value
sign(x) - sign of x
gcd(x, y) - greatest common divisor
lcm(x, y) - least common multiple
rand() - random number

Copy TeX to wiki

Wiki servers such as wikipedia.org allows math formulas in TeX format.

To add formula in wiki, copy TeX including the math xml tag:
<math>TeX formula</math>

Create pdf from TeX

Install latex package such as tetex-latex-3.0.

Run following command on exported tex file on the command line:
pdflatex file.tex

Note on file encoding

Mirai Documents are xml documents and use UTF-8 encoding.

LaTeX Documents can be stored either default encoding or UTF-8.

For HTML and Plain Text default system encoding is used.
Encoding can be changed by adding java option to start script.
List of availabe encodings can be found on following site:

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